[Use Cases] The GetResponse CRM: What’s New and What’s Next

The missing piece of the marketing puzzle is here! We’ve just launched our CRM (customer relationship management) tool to give you greater insight and control – and more time for fun stuff.

We wanted to create a CRM with the look, feel, and functionalities you want and need most. That’s why we made an easy to use version, and kept collecting your feedback.

And thanks to you, our CRM is now even more powerful. We’ve armed it with automatic deal conversion and a calendar.

Here’s how it’s going to work:


Update #1: Automatic deal conversion

All your lists that feed contacts to the CRM will now automatically convert them into deals at the stage you choose. Here’s an example of how it works:

Sajade is a wellness studio that already uses GetResponse. It decides to run a regular promo offering customers a free diet and fitness plan. To pinpoint prospects that might be interested, Sajade adds a signup form to a GetResponse landing page. When a prospect signs up, they’re put into a specific list: free_intake

Before, Sajade’s marketing manager had to manually monitor subscriptions and convert contacts in the CRM pipeline. Now she can simply enable automatic conversion, and all the contacts from the free_intake list will land in the right stage in the pipeline:


Convert contacts into deals


She clicks “next” and sets up the pipeline stage, adding extra information to create a deal profile:


Create deal profile


Here’s how Sajade’s pipeline looks once the automatic deal conversion is enabled:


Pipeline- automatic deal conversion


Sajade is now in full control, and can smoothly convert contacts into deals. And its manager Sandra can spend more time booking appointments and setting up tailored health plans. If she needs to stop the process at any time, she can simply click the contact icon under the stage name, and slide the status bar to the left.

Automatic conversion

Update #2: How to use the CRM Calendar

Planning and scheduling is important when it comes to business events. A well-conceived plan goes a long way in bringing positive results, while properly scheduled events can complement your planning. Entrepreneurs attend events for various reasons and also hold events of different types, like in-house seminars, networking events, dinner or lunch meetings, charity functions and fundraisers, webinars and customer training sessions, board meetings and monthly team meetings, product launch parties to create buzz, press conferences, trade shows, etc.

Having to keep track of all these in your notepad is definitely not a solution. Calendars are the right choice, showing you the list of events by day, week, and month. Marking your events and calls in a calendar helps you track upcoming events and scheduled calls. Most importantly, it gives you an idea of what’s lined up for the day and what your week is going to look like.


CRM Calendar


But how does that correspond with your business? Sandra, the owner of Sajade, has a very busy schedule: she’s the owner, the marketer, the sales manager, and the planner. She’s wearing every possible marketing hat you can while running a business.

The busier Sandra gets, the more important it is to stay organized. She’s excited about the new CRM calendar tool, because it helps her track and manage marketing tasks around her new customers. Every day Sandra gets to work, she checks her email, and logs in to her GetResponse account.

She’s ready to start the day with her marketing activities. As Sandra clicks on the task, she can see exactly what she needs to do in connection with a given prospect.



CRM Calendar Task



She also uses the CRM calendar as her daily productivity tool. Sandra uses her own pipeline to keep track on her operational tasks, like paying the bills and setting up maintenance tasks.


CRM Calendar- a productivity tool


While in the operations overview, Sandra sees what urgent tasks she can’t miss for the day. In the “all pipelines” view, she knows exactly what’s lined up till the end of the day.


All pipelines view


As you can see, CRM armed with the Calendar becomes not only a sales tracker, but also a very handy productivity tool, much needed by those of us who see themselves not only as marketers, but also as jacks of all trades.


Update #3 coming soon: Integration with marketing automation

I can’t wait for this one! We’re going fast in 2018, with a goal to fully integrate the CRM with marketing automation. It’s going to help you reach a higher level of segmentation.

We’ll post updates on the Platform Blog, so keep an eye on that or sign up for our newsletter to stay informed.


Over to you

Are you eager to learn more about these new functionalities within our CRM feature? Join the CRM Course for Small Business – it’s packed with practical tips, use cases, and it’s free!

Already a CRM pro? Take a look and let us know what you think of the new CRM features. Is there anything else you need to make it the ultimate CRM for your business? Comment below or log in to the CRM and use the Feedback Widget in your account.


The GetResponse CRM: What's New and What's Next

The post [Use Cases] The GetResponse CRM: What’s New and What’s Next appeared first on GetResponse Blog – Online Marketing Tips.

Source: getresponse

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